This is not a story I like to tell. It’s one of the most humiliating things I’ve experienced in my life. And yet, every time I tell this story—whether during an in-person conference keynote or a virtual session like the one seen here—someone tells me how it connects with them. I remember one gentleman came up to me after my keynote and said he experienced the exact same thing. For others, the details differ, but the overall “experience” connects…
We’ve all been through some things that we’d rather not have been through. Maybe you’re in the middle of something right now. If so, I hope you can find a nugget of inspiration here… a reminder that sometimes “rising above” requires “letting go.” Also, a reminder that sometimes things get worse before they get better. And, a reminder that no matter what you’re facing, it is possible to turn what looks like an ending into a new beginning… and come back better than EVER.
Grace and peace to you, my friend.
If you are a leader or an event planner and you’d like to bring this message to your team or audience, reach out and let’s make it happen. I promise your people will thank you for seeing them and supporting them on this wild, crazy, heartbreaking, beautiful journey of life.