
Claim Your “AAA” Power, Transform Your Experience

Today we are on Day 2 of the Five to Thrive 5-Day Resilience Challenge and our theme is: Claim Your Power. 🔌⁣ ⁣This entire process–as we work through the “Working with What Is” course–is about making the shift from living as a victim of your circumstances, to living as the creator of your experience. Anytime […]

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Facing Difficulty? Let Be, Let Go, Let In

In his new book, Hardwiring Happiness, Dr. Rick Hanson identifies three key ways to manage your mind: “Imagine that your mind is like a garden. You could simply be with it, looking at its weeds and flowers without judging or changing anything. Second, you could pull weeds by decreasing what’s negative in your mind. Third,

Facing Difficulty? Let Be, Let Go, Let In Read More »